I haven't posted in over a week! Today is J's birthday, and we went to eat German food on Saturday in celebration of said occasion. The girls were, of course, in rare form and we were to lucky to have made it through the event. V found a hidden love of tartar sauce and dipped all of her french fries in it, and had it all over her, up to her elbows. J & I took turns holding Little C and trying to eat at the same time. It didn't help that it took us almost an hour to get there. My girls' limit is around an hour and a half, so we knew we'd have issues. V has become the WORST car rider ever! She is miserable and her recently discovered throwing abilities don't help the situation for anyone involved (including Little C.) Anyways, I got J a cake with Happy Birthday written on it in Bavarian German, and it was shaped like a beer mug. Cakes have become fun for me & him to try to outdo one another. I had a quarter shaped cake for my birthday (which by the way could have fed an army.) and so this is our new venue for competition. We got him a Wii for his birthday and then he turned around and got me the Wii Fit to go with it. We've had fun playing the games and letting the system make fun of us for how badly balanced we are. I get smacked in the head with more panda heads and cleats than thought possible while playing the soccer game. We're trying to plan all of our travel for the next few months, to include a trip to see my family (two actually- one to each faction), a trip for V's birthday, a trip for Little C's christening, and a trip to see J's family (actually we see them during most trips since they are on the way.) Traveling with kids changes your entire outlook on the situation. It is truly a blessing to get there with everyone in one piece with no permanently hurt feelings or ruined clothes. We're not really happy about traveling with Little C until her problems are figured out, but we've become cautiously optimistic that she's getting a little better (okay J thinks she's better- I'm not convinced.) We'll see. Anyways, I'm posting some pics from the past week so enjoy.
And these are the days of our lives.....Mine, J's, V's, & Little C's that is.
I've been Bad.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Posted by Crystal at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Hostess with the Mostess
Friday, February 20, 2009
So we survived our first playdate at our house. We hosted the first annual playgroup Mardi Gras party. It was fun- the kids made masks and we ate food and corralled kids for a couple of hours. V was slightly confused about all the kiddos playing in her house with her toys, but she made her peace quickly and had a grand time. She LOVES mardi gras beads and her Bobbie sent her and her little sister some new ones for this year's festivities. Of course, V commandeered both pair and promptly tangled them up together. She played hard and ate at her little table with her friends. She is now, 4 hours later, passed out in her crib. She now sleeps on a pillow like an adult and uses a bigger blanket. I'm afraid our days in the crib will soon come to an end, as a sad signal that she's starting to become a kid instead of a baby or toddler. It's funny which things make us sad and we dread and which we embrace fully with so much joy, because we've been waiting for them. I was sad with V's first haircut, but looking back I should be glad she finally had enough hair to cut at all. Little C, quite obviously, will not have this same problem. She is quite a sickly little girl, and anyone who talks to me on a regular basis knows I'm getting frustrated with the medical care she's receiving. Now, I know I could take her to another ped, but it's just hard to diagnose something when you can't ask the patient how they feel or what exactly her choking fits feel like. I'm sure she would tell us they hurt and are terrifying, and I'm pretty sure she'd say she's having trouble breathing at least 50% of the time. I have an appt. with a specialist, but likely will hear the same things I've already heard. I just want to get it fixed, whatever it is. She's not really gaining weight, but she is the sweetest little baby! On a lighter note, I have a new niece! I guess we're good breeders in my family, although we now have 4 girls in just over 2 years (2 years and 4 days to be exact). It's okay though- they're what we know. My poor dad though- he has to want a grandson at some point. He's always been such a sport about it, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind a grandson to jet ski or play ice hockey on a frozen pond with. We'll see what happens. Give me a couple of years....
Posted by Crystal at 4:28 PM 0 comments
A Rare Tribute to my Husband...
Monday, February 16, 2009
I know it's been a LONG time since I've written a decent post. We've been sick. Not just colds, but really, really sick. Little C still happens to be sick and has to go get a barium test done tomorrow morning. Anyways, valentine's day was over the weekend. We don't really celebrate it around here, for whatever reason. My husband is many things, wonderful and supremely great things, but thoughtful he is not. I don't often thank him or rave about the great things he is or does, but this post is specifically for that reason. So, in honor of valentine's day and my husband, here's a list of 20 great and wonderful things about J.
1. He always (okay, almost always) takes out the trash without me asking him to do it. This is important b/c I HATE taking garbage out, but somehow manage to fill the trashcan at least once a day.
2. He bathes V every night so I only have to clean Little C. I don't think either of us understood how much our time was going to be monopolized with the addition of C-note (as he calls her). This makes my day seem less overwhelming.
3. He plays with V. I can remember playing with my dad as a kid, so this one is important to me. She loves it and it makes me smile and remember being a kid.
4. When I was VERY pregnant with V and working all day he made me grilled cheese sandwiches as I was laying on the couch giving him directions. The first one was burnt and the second one the cheese hadn't melted but I didn't care. They were great and just what I wanted.
5. He lets his scruff grow out just because I like it. He even takes flack from his mom, sister, and our niece for it- just for me.
6. He would rather I bought things for myself or the girls than go out and buy himself anything.
7. He lets me pick things out and only tells me he doesn't like it after I realize it's ugly (generally after I've already bought it and had it for a short period of time).
8. He didn't want to have a big deal of a wedding (for reasons we shan't discuss), but did anyway b/c I wanted it.
9. He changed jobs from one he loved to one he "kind of was okay with" so I could stay home with the girls.
10. He lets me waffle back and forth on whether or not I want to work or stay at home, and rarely interjects logic into the equation.
11. He picked out my engagement ring himself, and it is completely and perfectly suited to me. It is the most beautiful thing I've ever owned. I love it dearly, and of course will love it even more when I get a 2 carat diamond for putting up with him for 5 years (or 10- depending on who wins the fight).
12. He doesn't fight back. Anyone who knows me, is well aware of my combativeness. I am truly an instigator and am always up for a sparring match at the drop of a hat. J is adept at just stopping or diffusing the situation. I like to think that this is why I am starting to be a more mature and patient adult.
13. He has an awesome family. Nobody could compare or replace my own family, but J's family is great. I love them all dearly.
14. He is a fountain of useless, random knowledge. I think I could mention any movie and he could tell me who starred, when it came out, and a quote from it.
15. He finally cleaned out his closet recently and decided to get rid of some clothes he has had since before high school. I have to admit that I have a t-shirt that I got in high school and love it dearly, but J has tons!
16. He rarely complains about the fact that I make him eat things I like almost every night of the week, generally involving bland, starchy, or mushroomy elements.
17. He scratches my back. Not as good as when my mom would do it when I was younger, but hey, he humors me.
18. He lets me decide where we're going to eat when we eat out. We try and only eat out once a week, so this is a biggie for us.
19. He let me pick out our house. J would have been happier in a newer neighborhood, but I wanted something with character and trees. We kind of met in the middle, but ultimately it was my decision to make.
20. He puts up with my mood swings, of which there are many. It also appears that at least one of our offspring has inherited this wonderful trait.
and a bonus...he has great genes. I mean, really, look at my beautiful girls!
Posted by Crystal at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Under Quarantine
Monday, February 9, 2009
We've been sick. Croupy, gross, coughing and snot-rocket sick. V puked at school on Tuesday and was wheezing so they had me come get her. She's been home with me since then, under a regimen of steroids, albuterol, and baby motrin. I started to feel bad around Wednesday night, and now Little C is having some snot issues and getting pretty fussy. Such a joy. J asked me for Sudafed in the middle of the night, so I think he's been infected with our germs too. We did manage to go looking at baby stuff yesterday and we went to lunch on Saturday. I'm pretty sure V can go back to school tomorrow- thank God. I love her dearly but she's such a busy child. She needs something other than me- I guess I"m just too boring for her. Anyways, the weather here is beautiful-the positives of a tropical climate. I need to take the girls to the zoo this week, as I love it as much or more than they do. Well, I'm posting a couple of pictures so everyone will believe that my girls are growing. I'm also posting a picture of my "diaper station" that J organized for me last weekend in a moment of boredom. Anyone who knows me is aware of my clutter issue and the impulse I constantly have to organize and pick up. This is J's contribution to that. How great is it? Hope everyone is doing well!
Posted by Crystal at 10:47 AM 0 comments
A milestone...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I have been at home (not working) for over 6 months now- a momentous occasion that passed without a thanks or even a mention from my brood. I suppose that my thanks should materialize sometime in the next 20 years or so, or even when my girls have children of their own. I do get to see and experience things that I otherwise would have missed, but in their place I get to miss having my own identity outside of being someone's wife, mother, daughter, etc. In honor of this occasion I have a top 10 list for everyone.
Top 10 things about being a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom)
10. I get to hear the word "Mommy" a million times a day. I really wanted V to say this for so long and now I'm getting what I wished for...
9. I get to visit fun places like the tumbles place, the jumpy place, the zoo, the aquarium, etc. on a regular basis & don't need an excuse
8. I get to watch an endless stream of the Disney channel, including on demand episodes and "The Wiggles" stored on my DVR.
7. My girls have something of a schedule- some days- but V's naps are still a toss-up.
6. Somedays we stay in bed until 9- depending on when the little wigglebottoms get up.
5. I have time to watch syndicated television series that have since been cancelled, and shouldn't have been (watched any Crossing Jordan or Las Vegas lately?)
4. I get to dress both the girls up in fun outfits, only for them to melt down and need naps or have diaper malfunctions in them and require a change of clothes.
3. I have had time to explore my surroundings, and know the area better than J- as far as our immediate vicinity- he's still the metro area expert in the house.
2. I've found a playgroup with some really nice moms to socialize with at times, including a monthly book club.
1. I get to experience everything first, including getting Little C to giggle at me over and over or V's recognizing the letter "A" and "B".
I'm sure some of these sound sarcastic, which is somewhat intentional. I guess everyone has to make the choice of what is important to them and today it's my girls. Ask me tomorrow and I won't be able to answer- I'll be looking for a job.
Posted by Crystal at 1:02 PM 2 comments
Stress and Fun Times
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm trying to plan Little C's christening, which has turned into an event that plagues my dreams and keeps me awake. I found the perfect dress dirt cheap and then they sold out. Now, I've spent a day trying to bargain with other stores to get it for the same price. I'm thisclose to just using V's dress- but feel like maybe Little C deserves her own beautiful dress to pass to her children. I have a few dresses from when I was a baby that my mom was gracious enough to salvage, as well as my parents' china from when they were married. The only gift I really remember my Mom getting from my Dad is a pretty picture of a floral arrangement that has lots of pinks and purples, and I hope to one day use this in a guest room. Things like this are particularly important to me, perhaps because of how my parents raised me to think that family is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. We weren't allowed to play at someone's house down the street as kids unless we were all invited. Anyways, I've gotten off topic. This is Little C's day and she deserves to be recognized as herself, not someone's little sister. Then again, traditions are important. I don't know what to do or why this is stressing me out so bad!!! If you were to ask my husband he would say it's because I'm not happy unless I'm harping on and stressing about something. The life of a control freak Type-A woman, I suppose. Well, in other news I'm contemplating switching to cloth diapers with Little C for several reasons. Money, the environment, her health, and they're just too darn cute! It's not really as bad as one would assume, or at least that's what I've been reading. From what I can tell, it's true.
We all spent some time playing in the living room last night. These are some pics of the four of us. I like the cupcake outfit (really a sleeper) on Little C and think she's just such a snickerdoodle!
Posted by Crystal at 1:03 PM 1 comments
Inauguration and a New President (Finally!)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I watched the inauguration today and was amazed at the number of people in DC. I wish that I could go to an event like that so that I could witness it firsthand, but gracious that was ALOT of people. I would have been terrified. It was exciting to watch. I figure it will be like the assassination of JFK, and most people will remember where they were and who they were with. I'm ashamed to say I skipped out on part of the actual inauguration part in order to shower and dry my hair while Little C was asleep. I must take advantage of the days that V is at school. Of course, I was equally interested in the fashions of the participants as in the words said. Isn't that so shallow and female of me? Seriously though, Obama is exciting. Not only because he's a minority, but more importantly because he won over the majority vote too. He wouldn't have won if only the black population voted for him, or if men voted for him, or if women voted for him, but he won because the majority of all of us voted for him. I guess it's the first time in my recollection or voting history that someone has been inspiring like he is. I hope that he does the things he promised, for my daughters sake and my own. I worry that they will grow up to not have jobs, and to hard times like the generations before us. Or be unwilling spectators to horrifying wars or crimes against humanity. I worry that they will hurt or be forced to watch others hurt. These are the things that keep me awake at night and make me want to believe in something greater than you or me, but a person who can give us all guidance. Maybe this is too much to expect of one person, or even one president, but I like to think that it's a start. So, we should all pray that he's as good as we think he is.
Posted by Crystal at 9:58 PM 1 comments
Baby Burrito or Wild Hyena?
Monday, January 19, 2009
It's so funny to me that my daughters ended up incredibly different. Anyone who has known V since she was born knows that she came out kicking. She is what is considered an "Active" baby. She has also always been a very happy child, except for when she is teething. Little C on the other hand, is what is considered a "Calm" baby and she also is usually, at best, content. She prefers quiet, dark, and few people. Sounds kind of like a vampire bat, huh? V loves lots and lots of people and things going on but this tends to overwhelm her sister. Little C would be fine if I were the only other person in the world, but V would go crazy with boredom. J thinks that Little C will change, not because her temperament would on its own, but because her sister's behavior will force it to. I can see where this may be true, but I think that my sisters were not forced to be just like me because of my behavior. I was most certainly loud and talked up a storm, but I don't recall either of them being overly so. The girls' behavior extends into how they sleep. V is all over the place and often we find her in comical positions in her crib. She has woken up more than once with red marks across her face or legs from sleeping up against crib bars and we have found her sleeping horizontally across the crib with her legs sticking out the bars. She flops and rolls throughout the night and this is why we have been hesitant to consider a move to a "big girl" bed. She has recently shown interest in sleeping in a real bed with a blanket and pillow, so perhaps she is beginning to entertain the idea herself. Little C is a swaddler. She likes to be wrapped up tight like a baby burrito. V hated this when she was small, but Little C can't sleep very well unless I restrain her. She also likes white noise. I went on a mad search through this giant town for a noise machine in the weeks before Christmas (thank you Brookstone). Since then we don't use it as much but sometimes she goes into what I like to call "sensory overload" and I end up in the bedroom rocking her in the dark with the noise machine as loud as it will go. This is called the "sensory deprivation chamber". Maybe V is just too much for her, but she is just a much more anxious baby and doesn't smile as easily. It takes much more effort to make her happy than V required at this age. Maybe it's the reflux, but Little C has a fragile constitution. The pictures are of my babies sleeping. V was a little younger than Little C, but you can tell she's a much more wild baby. She's my little "Wild Hyena" child. We'll see about the "Saving Grace" of Little C.
Posted by Crystal at 10:46 AM 2 comments
Spring Comes in January!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
As I believe I've noted on numerous occasions, the weather here is just strange, but it's been beautiful outside. We took the girls to a huge park in the city today. I think we could do something new every weekend from now until June in this town, but this weekend was fun. Of course V was predictable and only wanted to swing. Little C was pretty happy, though, and we managed to get some good pics of everyone.
Everyone has a favorite food. Mine would be cream of mushroom soup- bizarre, yes, but comfort food for me. J's would probably be chicken fried steak, but I'm not sure what V's would be. I am positive that blueberries and mandarin oranges would be in the top 5, as well as cheese and apple juice, but not sure what number 1 would be. Poor Little C doesn't have any choices, so we'll have to wait and see if she inherits my love of condensed soups, but as for her sister she's a fruit baby.
I'm going to try and take the girls to a few playdates a week in February. We're going to be venturing out plenty of new places and the Mardi Gras Party is here at my house. Considering the last party we hosted was V's 1st birthday, it should be interesting. 10 moms and their offspring will pile in here to celebrate the biggest party of the year. Sounds stressful and fun all at the same time. I'm sure V will just LOVE sharing her toys and having kids everywhere. We have over a month to plan and stress, so we'll see.
Posted by Crystal at 5:37 PM 1 comments
When grocery shopping becomes exciting...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So, V goes to "school" two days a week. It is really Mother's Day Out, but in an attempt to make it sound less lazy (on my part), we call it school. I try to actually get some normal person stuff done on those days, or just catch up on sleep (lazy, huh?). Today I made a HUGE grocery shopping trip, which has turned into something of a challenge since a) I cook the same things over and over and J is starting to get bored and b) Little C still doesn't really like anything that involves her not being held. The grocery store is great- it's got to be the size of a football field, but that means it takes forever to get through. We've never made it without her having a breakdown and me looking like an awful parent.
It's somewhere around 60 or 65 degrees here during the day- just another testament to the fact that everyone was right when they said Houston was hot and miserable- there's no real winter. It is beautiful though, and I got to take V to the park yesterday. She figured out how to go up the steps and down the slide by herself, but just threw fits to get on the swings. She could swing all day long. It was also her first experience with sand, which she managed to track into my car and get all in her clothes. Little C is starting to enjoy the outdoors a little (microscopic) bit, and I managed to get some decent pictures of her. They all seem to have the same look on her face. We're thinking of getting a new camera sometime this year, one of the Canons or Nikons, so hopefully I'll get more pictures of V's face and less of the back of her head (due to lag time for flash). She's getting to be such a big girl and is just the prettiest thing, even though she couldn't care less. She'd rather be running naked in the mud. We'll hold out hope that Little C is more prissy so I'll know what to do.
Posted by Crystal at 7:36 PM 1 comments
I am Still Alive- Contrary to the sporadic attempt by my offspring to change that
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
If I survive the next couple of years, it'll be a miracle. Better yet, if Little C survives V for the next couple of years it'll be a miracle of unsurpassed proportion. V loves her sister- don't get me wrong, but her love is a very INTENSE one. It's a little much for J & I on occasion, so poor Little C is just out of luck. I try to control el diablo (aka V) as much as possible, but she gets away from me sometimes. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to blog more, now that the breaking-in period is over. It seems to be getting easier recently, and we even venture out of the house most days. I'm also going to try and post some pictures of them, even though I'm super-uber-duper-paranoid about crazies coming and stealing my beautiful babies. So, if you're one of those crazies I'm warning you now that I'll skin you alive and do more awful things if you come near my progeny. This pic of Little C is great, she's so shell shocked, which is her general mood. She's awfully cute and getting bigger, finally. She's nowhere near V size. The one of V is perfect for her, trying to rock out in the yard. She is such a whirlwind of activity and doesn't slow down until she passes out at night (or for the occasional nap). They seem to be so different, which for some reason I didn't really expect. They keep me on my toes, though.
Posted by Crystal at 9:11 AM 1 comments